Thursday, January 20, 2011

A New Year at A.G.R.

As the Christmas break wound down, more and more vehicles found their way back to the familiar Alpha Gamma Rho parking lot.  Of those cars, six new automobiles are parked in the lot for the first time.  Those vehicles belong to John Nesbitt, Max Grier, Ben Johnson, Drew Gaskill, Clay Bott, and Adam Heggelund, our new actives who were able to move in this semester.  A couple other names to be added to the roster are Trevor Schock, who is back from a semester at Kansas State, Jared Leveque joined us again after a semester off from school, and Paul "Smokey" Dowling, our exchange student from Chico State decided to stay with us for another semester.

All together we are twenty-nine living in the house on Greek Way, and total thirty-seven active Alpha Delta's; a number which hasn't been reached for quite some time.  This Spring semester at Montana State University our goals are to work hard on our recruitment and have an early Activation, work to stay in good standing with the college both academically and socially, and mainly work continue in this upward swing we have deservingly been experiencing.  

Thank you for your support of the Alpha Delta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity.

~Chisholm B. Christensen